Jing Zhang
Department of Marketing and Business Analytics
Lucas College and Graduate School of Business
San José State University
One Washington Square
San José, CA 95192-0069
Preferred: jing.zhang@regaloteas.com
Preferred: (408) 924-1346
Office Hours
Fall 2022: Monday 1:30-3:30 p.m. & By appointment
Office Location
BT 765
Jing Zhang is Professor of Marketing in the Department of Marketing and Business Analytics in the Lucas College and Graduate School of Business at San Jose State University. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Her current research interests include consumer behavior, marketing research, high-tech media, and international advertising and marketing. She has published eighteen articles in academic journals, including the Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of Advertising, Psychology & Marketing, and International Journal of E-Business Research. Her work has also appeared as a book chapter in Strategy, Adoption and Competitive Advantage of Mobile Services in the Global Economy and Encyclopedia of Applied Psychology. Professor Zhang has broad teaching interests in the areas of Consumer Behavior, Marketing and Business Research, Integrated Marketing Communications, and International and Multicultural Advertising/Marketing.