BS in Computer Engineering
- About BS in Computer Engineering
The Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Engineering (CMPE), offered by the Department of Computer Engineering, goes beyond programming to include engineering methodologies and hands-on project experience. The program prepares students to become engineers, leaders and entrepreneurs. Course topics range from computer hardware design and embedded systems to software design and construction of real-time systems, virtual systems, and enterprise software. The curriculum integrates concepts and hands-on practice using the latest developments in emerging technologies, design, verification, implementation, and computer systems applications to provide students with advanced hardware and software skills. High-tech companies seek out our graduates. Our alumni work in hardware/software analysis, design and verification, hardware/software co-design, systems software, domain applications and product testing at many Silicon Valley firms from start-ups to Fortune 100 companies. The program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET.
- Accreditation (ABET)
- Program Requirements
Course Requirements: University Catalog
Four Year Plan: 4-year plan sample
Prerequisite Charts: Current charts [pdf]
Course Articulation: 菠菜网lol正规平台 Articulation, ASSIST
General Education: Engineering Student Success Center
- Advising
Advising is mandatory for all College of Engineering majors, and required every semester. An Engineering-Major Advising hold is put on students' My菠菜网lol正规平台 accounts so students must consult with the department’s major advisor in order to enroll in classes.
To remove the advising hold, students will need to meet with their major advisor during their advisor’s posted office hours and/or fill out a Major Advising Form with their academic information.
For students on major and/or academic probation, please review the major probation advising requirements found on the Engineering Student Success Center's website in order to remove your probation advising hold.
Students are encouraged to contact their major advisor for any questions or concerns about their major requirements at
Monica Serna
Martin Alvarez LopezOffice Hours
CMPE/SE Major Advising Canvas course
Spartan Connect
Office Hours pageIf you are a CMPE or SE student who is not on the CMPE/SE Major Advising Canvas course, please email to request a Canvas course invite. Include your full name and student ID number.
- Student Forms
- Change of Major
- Probation and Disqualification
- Reinstatement
Department uses change of major policy for reinstatement
Both requirements stated in the policy should be met and students will be ranked based on the provided formula (using mainly STEM GPA).
Enrolling in a major class as an Open University (OU) student without a study plan does not mean that student has been reinstated in the major and the department is under no obligation to reinstate that student even if a significant progress has being made toward a degree.