COMM 198 - Applied Activity

The 2-unit COMM Applied Activity requirement, sometimes called COMM 198 for short, requires you to apply what you've learned in your COMM courses in a real world setting outside the classroom. 

Applied Activity Prerequisite: completed or currently enrolled in COMM 101C

Applied Activity Options & How to Apply

Each Applied Activity is coordinated by a different faculty member, and each one has its own particular application process (except for COMM 157SL, which does not require an application). Use the information below to review your options and apply for (or enroll in) the activity of your choice.

When are applications available?

  • Most applications are typically available in April for students wanting to enroll in COMM 198 in the fall or October for students wanting to enroll in COMM 198 in the spring. All applications are typically due at the end of the semester.
  • COMM Study Abroad to Berlin, Germany applications are typically available in October and due in December.

Activity Options



Contact Person

How to Apply

COMM Center Tutor 1 unit per semester Fall or Spring
COMM Center Director
Roxanne Cnudde
Apply online from the COMM Center website
COMM Internships 1-8 units per semester Fall or Spring
Internship Director
Carol-Lynn Perez
Review the COMM Studies Internship Program (CSIP) website for instructions
Forensics  Program 1 unit per semester Fall or Spring
Forensics Interim Director
Kim Yee 
Review duties on Forensic website and email the Forensics Director
Intercultural Communication Activity 1 unit Spring 2025 Intercultural Director
Dr. Rona Halualani
No applications at this time.
Social Media Team (SMT) 1 unit per semester Fall or Spring
SMT Director
Dr. Luis Felipe Gómez
Apply online from the SMT website
COMM 157SL, which also fulfills the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Studies Area S 3 units Fall or Spring
157SL Course Coordinator
Kristen Cole
Enroll yourself into the course during your enrollment period
COMM Study Abroad Berlin, Germany

6 units & counts towards one FIP course

Berlin Program Directors
Tabitha Hart 
Andrew Wood 
Visit the Berlin program website or email the program directors

Learning Objectives

All COMM Applied Activity courses share these basic learning objectives.

  1. Translate theory into practice.
  2. Explain and demonstrate abilities in oral and written communication.
  3. Integrate critical thinking and problem solving skills.
  4. Exhibit knowledge of communication theory.
  5. Relate communication strategies to varied audiences.
  6. Apply critical listening skills.
  7. Work effectively with others.
  8. Respect cultural and linguistic diversity.

Applied Activity Coursework

Each Applied Activity is an official COMM course; as such, you can expect to complete regular course assignments and (depending on the activity) participate in course meetings.

For each unit of the applied activity, you will be expected to complete approximately 50 hours of work.

Tips for Choosing an Applied Activity

  1. Review each of the Applied Activity options and create your own ranked choice. Then, apply for your first choice. If your first choice doesn't work out, then apply for your second choice. If your second choice doesn't work out, then apply for your third choice, and so on. Keep applying in order of your preference until you are accepted and enroll.
  2. You might be able to mix and match, completing the requirement through two different activities at 1 unit each.
  3. Most of the Applied Activities are offered only in the Fall and Spring semesters. The only exception is the Berlin study abroad program, which is only offered in Summer semesters.