Fieldwork Requirements

Jose Manzo 菠菜网lol正规平台 Aspire

Supervised Experience in Counseling (EDCO 292)

Welcome to the world of Supervised Experience in Counseling!  Making the decision to gain experience in the field of your choice will give you the opportunity to learn and decide whether the career path you have chosen is right for you.  Not only will fieldwork provide invaluable experience, but it will open the door to other opportunities as well.  Hopefully, your supervised experience will be the beginning of a successful and lengthy career.

Note: All EDCO 292: Supervised Experience in Counseling documents and forms can be accessed via our Forms webpage.

Requirements for the Pupil Personnel Services (PPS) Credential

To obtain the Pupil Personnel Services (PPS) Credential in School Counseling, you are required to complete 9 units of fieldwork (EDCO 292) totaling 600 hours.  Of those 600 hours, 400 must be completed in K-12 public schools, with a minimum of 200 hours at each of two K-12 school levels (e.g., 200 hours in middle school and 200 hours in high school).  Those 400 hours must be supervised by an individual who has held a clear PPS Credential for at least 2 years.  The remaining 200 fieldwork hours can be completed at any K-12 school level or site (e.g., higher education institution or community-based agency) as long as they involve counseling work. 

The specialization in school counseling authorizes the holder to perform the following:

  • Develop, plan, implement, and evaluate a school counseling and guidance program that includes academic, career, personal, and social development
  • Advocate for the high academic achievement and social development of all students
  • Provide schoolwide prevention and intervention strategies and counseling services
  • Provide consultation, training, and staff development to teachers and parents regarding students' needs
  • Supervise a district-approved advisory program as described in California Education Code, Section 49600" 

Requirements for the Child Welfare and Attendance (CWA) Authorization

Those who are obtaining the PPS School Counseling Credential may complete an additional 3 units of fieldwork (EDCO 292) to obtain the CWA authorization. This fieldwork must be geared towards reducing K-12 student truancy and increasing student retention.

The specialization in child welfare and attendance authorizes the holder to perform the following:

  • Access appropriate services from both public and private providers, including law enforcement and social services
  • Provide staff development to school personnel regarding state and federal laws pertaining to due process and child welfare and attendance laws
  • Address school policies and procedures that inhibit academic success
  • Implement strategies to improve student attendance
  • Participate in schoolwide reform efforts
  • Promote understanding and appreciation of those factors that affect the attendance of culturally-diverse student populations" 

Requirements for the Master of Arts in Counseling and Guidance

Fieldwork experience (i.e., EDCO 292) is not required for MA-only candidates, but is highly recommended, particularly for those interested in community college counseling.  MA candidates can apply up to 6 units of EDCO 292 towards the master's degree.  Fieldwork experience for the MA can be gained from K-12 and higher education settings, community-based organizations, and mental health and clinical settings, but all fieldwork must be supervised by individuals with the appropriated degrees/credentials.