Canvas FAQs for Faculty
Learn more about Canvas at Canvas Instructor Guide.
- How can I access my Canvas course?
Go to Canvas Login page and log in with your 菠菜网lol正规平台 ID and password.
Notes All currently teaching instructors should have an account created. If your 菠菜网lol正规平台 ID does not grant you access, please contact IT department for assistance.
- What Browsers support Canvas?
Google Chome, Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Edge, Flash, and Respondus Lockdown Browser all support Canvas.
- How do I copy content from my previous Canvas course or test course into my current
Go to "Settings" on the course navigation menu
Select "Import Content into This Course" in the right navigation menu
Select "Copy a Canvas Course" from the Content Type drop-down list
Choose the course you want to copy from
Select the option to copy the entire course or only part of the course
- How can I see how many students are enrolled in the course?
By clicking on the People Tab in the course navigation menu, you should be able to view your students list.
Notes: Even if you have customized your course menu and hidden the People tab from students, you always have access to it as an instructor.
- How can I add a TA to my course?
Go to "People" on the course navigation menu. Click on "+ People" on the top-right corner.
You have the option to add a user by either email address (the email address student use for applying 菠菜网lol正规平台, it is not 菠菜网lol正规平台 email) or Login ID (菠菜网lol正规平台 ID).
Choose the "TA" in the Role from the drop-down list.
- How can I see my course as a participant?
Click Settings from course navigation menu
Click the "Student View" button on the right navigation menu
Click the "Leave Student View" on the bottom right corner if you want to leave the Student View page
- How much file storage do users have?
Each course in Canvas may be allocated up to 1 MB for each course. If you find that you'll be needing more space, email for further information.
- How do I customize the Left-Hand Course Navigation?
Click on "Settings" on the course navigation menu
Click on the "Navigation" tab on top navigation menu
Drag the tab you like on the top and move the tab down to the bottom if you don't plan to use the function
Click on "Save" to save the changeNotes: The "Home" page is the first page when your students login to your Canvs course. It cannot be moved or removed.
- How do I add a web link to the left-hand navigation in my course site?
You can add a weblink to the left-hand navigation using the Redirect tool.
Go to "Settings" on the left course navigation menu
Choose "Apps" tab on the top navigation menu
Select the "Redirect tool" in the App Center
Enter the name to appear in your navigation and the URL link of the website you will like to add it to the navigation menu
- How do I give extra credit?
There are many ways to give extra credit, and here's one of the quick way
Create a new Assignment
Assign the Assignment with 0 point
Choose whether the students are required to finish the extra credit assignment
publish the AssignmentNotes: If you are using weighted assignments you must put any 0-point assignments into an unweighted assignment group. You can also directly add extra points to an existing score in the Gradebook, or Fudge Points to a quiz.
- How do I add video/audio to my course?
You can embed video or audio links on the assignment page or pages.
- How do I access my Google Drive and share content in Canvas?
Authorizing your Google Drive in Canvas
Google Drive is automatically available for all instructors and students in Canvas. For Step-by-Step guide, please see the Canvas guide.
Creating an Assignment using Google Drive
You can create cloud assignment using Google Drive. For Step-by-Step guide, please see the Canvas guide.
Creating create a hyperlink or embed a file from Google Drive
You can link or embed pretty much any Google drive file using the Rich Content Editor in Canvas.
For Step-by-Step guide, please see the Canvas guide.
- How do I send an email to my entire class?
To send an email to your entire class:
Click on the Inbox
Click on the paper and pencil icon to compose a new email
Select the class you want to send out the message
Click on the icon at the far right of the To field
Select All, Teachers, or a specific sectionNotes: You cannot send a message to your students unless the course is published. In addition, messages are sent within Canvas. Students should also receive an email sent to their email address listed in Canvas based on how the ycustomize their notifications settings.
- Where are the documents in Canvas?
Access to personal files:
Click on "Account" on the left-hand navigation bar.
Click on "Files".
Notes Only you can view your personal files.Access to course files:
Click on "Files" on the course navigation menu.