Instructor Drop Procedure

Step by step Instructions:

  1. Create an Excel file copy of your Class Roster(s) by clicking the icon at red arrow.How to create class roster screenshot
  2. The Excel file will show up at the bottom left corner of the window you are working on. Then you can click on the file to open it.
  3. Type the course info including the section number, your name, and EmpID
  4. Strikeout the name(s) of the student(s) you want to drop on the roster. Do not strike out 菠菜网lol正规平台 ID number(s) and type “Drop” at the end of the student’s row.screenshot of how to strike student's name
  5. There are 2 ways to submit the Excel document request:
      1. Email to from your 菠菜网lol正规平台 email account (required).  Deadline to submit the drop is the add deadline.
      2. Submit it in-person by the Instructor or Administrative Staff only. Photo ID is required upon submission.

 View 菠菜网lol正规平台 policy for Instructor Drop [pdf] and Registration Bulletin.